Results for 'Ne’Matova Donoxon Saidjalolovna'

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  1. Journée clermontoise. L'humanisme en question : une anthropodicée est-elle possible? / Jean-Baptiste Létang ; La folie entre absence, négativité et altérité / Marlène Morel ; Le Bien comme principe totalisant dans l'expérience de l'âme chez Plotin / William Néria; La volonté d'être l'Unique en face du Tout / Claude Brunier-Coulin ; L'Âtman/Brahman ou la possibilité de la Totalité dans le non-dualisme de Śaṅkara.William Néria - 2016 - In Claude Brunier-Coulin (ed.), Institutions et destitutions de la totalité: explorations de l'oeuvre de Christian Godin: actes du colloque des 24-25-26 septembre 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, Université Blaise Pascal, Paris, Université Paris Descartes. Paris: Orizons.
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    Valeur (essai d'une théorie générale)..Georges Bénézé - 1936 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    A szabadság felelőssége: írások a 65 éves Dénes Iván Zoltán tiszteletére.Iván Zoltán Dénes, Ferenc Pénzes, Sándor Rács & László Tóth-Matolcsi (eds.) - 2011 - Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó.
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  4. Inference and Consciousness.Anders Nes & Timothy Hoo Wai Chan (eds.) - 2019 - London: Routledge.
    Inference has long been a concern in epistemology, as an essential means by which we extend our knowledge and test our beliefs. Inference is also a key notion in influential psychological or philosophical accounts of mental capacities, from perception via utterance comprehension to problem-solving. Consciousness, on the other hand, has arguably been the defining interest of philosophy of mind over recent decades. Comparatively little attention, however, has been devoted to the significance of consciousness for the proper understanding of the nature (...)
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    ha-Fisiḳah shel ha-meʼah ha-ʻeśrim.Yuval Neʼeman - 1984 - [Tel Aviv]: Miśrad ha-biṭaḥon. Edited by Yehuda Ofer.
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    Readiness or Impairment: Cognitive and Linguistic Differences Between Children Who Learn to Read and Those Who Exhibit Difficulties With Reading in Kindergarten Compared to Their Achievements at the End of First Grade.Ariel Ne'eman & Shelley Shaul - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Many studies have attempted to identify measures that predict reading abilities. The results of these studies may be inclined to over-identification of children considered at risk in kindergarten but who achieve parity in reading by the end of first grade. Therefore, the current study sought to analyze the specific cognitive and linguistic predictors of reading accuracy and reading speed separately. Additionally, the study examined if it is possible to use empirically validated measures to distinguish between children who are not ready (...)
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  7. Filozofija i istinska zajednica: filozofske osnove marksizma.Ratko Nešković - 1982 - Beograd: "Savremena administracija,".
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  8. Lahaṭ ha-ḥerev ha-mithapekhet: li-shemor et derekh ʻets ha-ḥayim.Nes-Hai Sh - 2000 - Bene Beraḳ: N.-Ḥ. Sh..
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    Mathematics Education and Neurosciences: Towards interdisciplinary insights into the development of young children's mathematical abilities.Fenna Van Nes - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (1):75-80.
    The Mathematics Education and Neurosciences project is an interdisciplinary research program that bridges mathematics education research with neuroscientific research. The bidirectional collaboration will provide greater insight into young children's (aged four to six years) mathematical abilities. Specifically, by combining qualitative ‘design research’ with quantitative ‘experimental research’, we aim to come to a more thorough understanding of prerequisites that are involved in the development of early spatial and number sense. The mathematics education researchers are concerned with kindergartner's spatial structuring ability, while (...)
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    Autistic Self Advocacy in the Developmental Disability Movement.Ari Ne’Eman & Julia Bascom - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (4):25-27.
    Volume 20, Issue 4, May 2020, Page 25-27.
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    The role of moral integrity in the association between moral self and moral sensitivity among nurses: A mediation model.Vered Ne’Eman-Haviv, Ayala Blau & Lani Ofri - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Aim: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between moral self, moral integrity, and moral sensitivity in decision-making among nurses. Background: nurses face moral dilemmas almost on a daily basis. Studies have demonstrated that nurses with high moral sensitivity make thoughtful decisions and exhibit professional responsibility. The current study seeks to examine personality variables that may be related to moral sensitivity among nurses. Design: A cross-sectional study. Ethical considerations: This study was approved by the IRB of the authors University’s ethics (...)
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    L'anthropologie de Marcel Gauchet: analyse et débats: colloque des 14 et 15 octobre 2011 au Collège des Bernardins.Jacques Arènes - 2012 - [Paris]: Collège des Bernardins.
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    Allure du transcendental.Georges Bénézé - 1936 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Das Ende der Demokratie?: Effekte der Digitalisierung Aus Rechtlicher, Politologischer Und Psychologischer Sicht.Volker Boehme-Neßler - 2018 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Wie verändert sich die Demokratie durch die Digitalisierung? Dieser Frage geht das Buch aus verfassungsrechtlicher, technikrechtlicher, politikwissenschaftlicher und psychologischer Sicht nach. Dazu arbeitet es zunächst die Charakteristika von Digitalisierung heraus. Es fragt, wie sich die Digitalisierung auf das Denken, das Verhalten und die Kommunikation auswirkt. Auf dieser Grundlage vertritt der Autor die These, dass sich die Demokratie grundlegend verändern muss und wird. Im letzten Teil skizziert er, wie die Demokratie konkret im digitalen Zeitalter funktionieren könnte.
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    Une philosophie de l'écoute musicale.Bruno Deschênes - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Dans cet ouvrage, Bruno Deschênes met en parallèle la pensée musicale européenne et la pensée esthétique japonaise, une rencontre philosophique par laquelle il propose par transpropriation comment cette pensée venant d'Asie permettrait aux mélomanes d'approfondir leur appréciation de toute musique quelle qu'elle soit. Il présente divers aspects de l'esthétique japonaise qui sont ignorés, à tout le moins jugés périphériques, dans la pensée européenne et qui, pourtant, sont inhérents à l'écoute de toute musique. Ouvrage écrit au départ du point de vue (...)
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  16. Aníbal Ponce, humanismo y revolución.Néstor Kohan - 2018 - In Alexia Massholder (ed.), Aníbal Ponce: humanismo y revolución. [Buenos Aires, Argentina?]: CEFMA, Centro de Estudios y Formación Marxista Héctor P. Agosti.
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  17. Epistēmonikos-philosophikos kai theologikos prosanatolismos.Dēmētrios Iōannou Krikōnēs - 1976 - Athēnai: [S.N.].
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    Love and the person.Maurice Nédoncelle - 1966 - New York,: Sheed & Ward.
    Considers two of the most fundamental realities of life: love and the human person. While both are ultimately related, the author treats of them individually so that we may understand them more deeply. Departing from the most evident examples -- mother and child, friends, and lovers -- the author shows that love consists essential of a will to promotion and, hopefully, to mutual promotion. Thus, love is viewed from within the person himself and from within the relationship that exists between (...)
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    The personalist challenge: intersubjectivity and ontology.Maurice Nédoncelle - 1984 - Allison Park, Pa.: Pickwick Publications.
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    La personne humaine et la nature.Maurice Nédoncelle - 1943 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Descartes et la princesse Élisabeth.Marguerite Néel - 1946 - Paris: Éditions Elzévir ;.
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    Lubrich Ágost.András Németh - 1992 - Budapest: Országos Pedagógiai Könyvtár és Múzeum.
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    Únos Európy: mýtus--divertimento k filozofii dějin.Jiří Němec - 1994 - Praha: Dauphin.
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    Zápisníky.Jiří Němec - 2018 - Praha: Triáda. Edited by Robert Krumphanzl.
    I. (1960-1964) -- II. (1965-1969) -- III. (1972-1978, 1985-1987).
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    Théorie juridique de la fonction publique.Henry Nézard - 1901 - Paris,: L. Larose.
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    From jewish are you?Gábor Németh - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (2):224-228.
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  27. Biodiversity and bioethics.Ne Stork - 1995 - In T. B. Mepham, Gregory A. Tucker & Julian Wiseman (eds.), Issues in agricultural bioethics. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press. pp. 205.
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    Fruit In Medicine Of The Prophet.Ayhan Teki̇neş - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:134-142.
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  29. Mein schaffen als künstler-philosoph.Johannes Franz Thöne - 1930 - Strassburg: [Selbstverlag].
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  30. Why are Actions but not Emotions Done Intentionally, if both are Reason-Responsive Embodied Processes?Anders Nes - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-22.
    Emotions, like actions, this paper argues, are typically embodied processes that are responsive to reasons, where these reasons connect closely with the agent’s desires, intentions, or projects. If so, why are emotions, nevertheless, typically passive in a sense in which actions are not; specifically, why are emotions not cases of doing something intentionally? This paper seeks to prepare the ground for answering this question by showing that it cannot be answered within a widely influential framework in the philosophy of action (...)
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  31. (Non-)Conceptual Representation of Meaning in Utterance Comprehension.Anders Nes - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Many views of utterance comprehension agree that understanding an utterance involves knowing, believing, perceiving, or, anyhow, mentally representing the utterance to mean such-and-such. They include cognitivist as well as many perceptualist views; I give them the generic label ‘representationalist’. Representationalist views have been criticized for placing an undue metasemantic demand on utterance comprehension, viz. that speakers be able to represent meaning as meaning. Critics have adverted to young speakers, say about the age of three, who do comprehend many utterances but (...)
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  32. World spinors—Construction and some applications.Yuval Ne'eman & Djordje Šijački - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (8):1105-1122.
    The existence of a topological double-covering for the GL(n, R) and diffeomorphism groups is reviewed. These groups do not have finite-dimensional faithful representations. An explicit construction and the classification of all\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} $$\overline {SL} $$ \end{document}(n, R), n=3,4 unitary irreducible representations is presented. Infinite-component spinorial and tensorial\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} $$\overline {SL} $$ \end{document} fields, “manifields”, are introduced. Particle content of the ladder manifields, as given by (...)
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  33. Assertion, belief, and ‘I believe’-guarded affirmation.Anders Nes - 2016 - Linguistics and Philosophy 39 (1):57-86.
    According to a widely held view of assertion and belief, they are each governed by a tacitly acknowledged epistemic norm, and the norm on assertion and norm on belief are so related that believing p is epistemically permissible only if asserting it is. I call it the Same Norm View. A very common type of utterance raises a puzzle for this view, viz. utterances in which we say ‘I believe p' to convey somehow guarded affirmation of the proposition that p. (...)
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  34. On what we experience when we hear people speak.Anders Nes - 2016 - Phenomenology and Mind 10:58-85.
    According to perceptualism, fluent comprehension of speech is a perceptual achievement, in as much as it is akin to such high-level perceptual states as the perception of objects as cups or trees, or of people as happy or sad. According to liberalism, grasp of meaning is partially constitutive of the phenomenology of fluent comprehension. I here defend an influential line of argument for liberal perceptualism, resting on phenomenal contrasts in our comprehension of speech, due to Susanna Siegel and Tim Bayne, (...)
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    Dislocation densities in slowly cooled aluminium single crystals.Erik Nes & Bjarne N.⊘st - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (124):855-865.
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  36. Perception needs modular stimulus-control.Anders Nes - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-30.
    Perceptual processes differ from cognitive, this paper argues, in functioning to be causally controlled by proximal stimuli, and being modular, at least in a modest sense that excludes their being isotropic in Jerry Fodor's sense. This claim agrees with such theorists as Jacob Beck and Ben Phillips that a function of stimulus-control is needed for perceptual status. In support of this necessity claim, I argue, inter alia, that E.J. Green's recent architectural account misclassifies processes deploying knowledge of grammar as perceptual. (...)
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  37. Thematic Unity in the Phenomenology of Thinking.Anders Nes - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (246):84-105.
    Many philosophers hold that the phenomenology of thinking (also known as cognitive phenomenology) reduces to the phenomenology of the speech, sensory imagery, emotions or feelings associated with it. But even if this reductionist claim is correct, there is still a properly cognitive dimension to the phenomenology of at least some thinking. Specifically, conceptual content makes a constitutive contribution to the phenomenology of at least some thought episodes, in that it constitutes what I call their thematic unity. Often, when a thought (...)
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  38. CHN, QCD, and $$\overline {SA} $$.Yuval Ne'eman - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (12):1607-1615.
    “CHN≓ (1966)was an algebraic algorithm which reproduced and extended the predictions of the “non-interacting≓ quark model in the asymptotic high-energy region. It wus formulated within the conceptual framework of on- mass- shell physics and of the complex angular-momentum plane. Prior to the advent of the standard model, it was reinterpreted in terms of the Melosh transformation relating “current≓ to “constituent≓ quarks. It is now lied up to the QCD paradigm.
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    La composition dans les ouvrages philosophiques de Sénèque.Eugène Albertini - 1923 - Paris,: E. de Boccard.
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    La Méthode expérimentale..Georges Bénézé - 1967 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  41. En samtale med Jean-François Lyotard.Barnhard Blisténe - 1985 - In Stig Brøgger, Else Marie Bukdahl & Hein Heinsen (eds.), Omkring det sublime. København: Kongelige Danske kunstakademi.
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    Érasme et saint Augustin ou Influence de saint Augustin sur l'humanisme d'Érasme.Ch Béné - 1969 - Genève,: Droz.
    Fondée en 1950 par Eugénie Droz, la collection des Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance a réuni, en soixante-cinq ans, plus de 550 titres. Elle s'est imposée comme la collection la plus importante au monde de sources et d'études sur l'Humanisme (Politien, Ficin, Erasme, Budé...), la Réforme francophone (Lefèvre d'Etaples, Calvin, Farel, Bèze...), la Renaissance (littéraire et artistique, Jérôme Bosch ou Rabelais, Ronsard ou le Primatice...), mais aussi la médecine, les sciences, la philosophie, l'histoire du livre et toutes les formes de savoir (...)
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  43. Hay el sentido pero no el sentido del sentido en el que el sentido nos hace creer.Néstor A. Braunstein - 2006 - In Benjamin Mayer Foulkes (ed.), Ateologías. México: Conaculta.
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    La fenomenología, sus orígenes, desarrollos y situación actual: curso de posgrado 2004, 6 de agosto-26 de noviembre.Néstor A. Corona (ed.) - 2009 - Buenos Aires: Universidad Católica Argentina, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
  45. A demokratizmus és a kultura kérdései Lukács 1919-es írásaiban.Siroki Dénes - 1983 - In László Hársing (ed.), Tanulmányok a fiatal Lukácsról. [Budapest]: Művelődési Minisztérium Marxizmus-Leninizmus Oktatási Főosztálya.
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    Al-Ġazālī und der Sufismus.Merdan Güneş - 2011 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
    Sufismus, das Innere, und saria, das Aussere des Islams stellen die beiden Grundpfeiler der Lebensweise des Menschen im Islam dar. Ob der Sufismus jedoch ein rein islamisches Phanomen ist, wurde von vielen Gelehrten diskutiert. Al-Gazali stellte in dieser Diskussion einen bedeutenden Wendepunkt dar. Er deutet den Sufismus als das Aufbauen einer liebevollen und harmonischen Beziehung zu sich selbst, seinem Umfeld und seinem Schopfer. Merdan Gunes geht in seiner Dissertation auf die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Sufismus ein, stellt dabei al-Gazalis Sufismus-Verstandnis (...)
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    Notas sobre la antropología platónica.Néstor A. Grau - 1968 - Tucumán,: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
    Las paradojas socráticas y la utilidad de la filosofía en la construcción del hombre.--El clima religioso de lo espiritual en el Fedón.--La actividad de lo espiritual según el Fedón.--El papel del cuerpo en la antropología platónica.--El cuerpo del hombre según el Timeo.
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  48. Effects of tonal context on octave discrimination thresholds.Ne Kelley - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):492-492.
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    Hē archaia Hellēnikē philosophia.Dēmētrios Iōannou Krikōnēs - 2002 - Thessalonikē: Ekdot. Oikos Kyromanos.
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    Heureux les sobres: avec Laudato si', pour une éthique de la sobriété.Loïc Laîné - 2021 - Paris: Salvator.
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